Cleaning a sheepskin Rug
Cleaning a sheepskin Rug
Having a rug dry cleaned costs over £20 and the dry cleaning process does not remove allergens so at roughly
83 pence a wash Woolskin Premium Woolwash works
out to be a real saving on not only in money but also the enviroment.
Keeping sheepskin rugs in tip top condition so it can be enjoyed for years is easy with Woolskin Premium Woolwash.
Here are some tips on washing sheepskin rugs using Woolskin Premium Woolwash , full instructions are on the back of the bottle.
Shake and brush through the rug before washing.
Woolskin is a concentrated detergent and conditioner so you only need 10 to 20ml per wash.
Use a wool or delicates wash , I find washing at 30 degrees best. Use an extra rinse not forgetting to keep on a low spin.
The rug can be tumble dried on a low setting which will vary between different machines , I find the delicates setting on my machine is better than the wool
setting which seems slightly too high. Do not over dry.
Depending on the tanning process use on the rug there may be a small amount of shrinkage , for medical sheepskins this is around 4%. Shrinkage is also caused
by washing or drying at to high a temperature.
When the weather permits rugs can be hung outside to dry but avoid direct sunlight , as this can cause damage.
After washing the rug will revert to its natural curly state. I personally love this but is you wish to maintain fluffy look brush the rug through whilst it
is still damp and again when it has dried.
The pictures show a rug before it has been cleaned , and rugs after they have been cleaned one is curley and one has been brushed through.
Woolskin Woolwash can also be used to clean ugg sheepskin boots ,sheepskin slippers and other clothing items such as coats and gloves.
Woolskin Sheepskin & Wool wash is a concentrate for washing wool, natural fibres including alpaca, mohair, possum ,yak, silk & cashmere and sheepskin. It
may also used as a low allergenic detergent for allergy sufferers as it eliminates dust mite and pet allergen.
Woolskin is so gentle I also use it to wash the dog , it leaves her with a super shiney coat and she smells great too.